Thursday, August 25, 2005

Work rots (as usual)

Hi reader! You may have noticed a lack of posts lately. The reason is my job. Lately it has been like I would imagine a shit farm would be. No offense to shit farmers though. I only feel like blogging "mostly" when I am feeling positive. (Pharmacy Rants notwithstanding) There has not been much to feel positive about at work lately, hence the dearth of postings. (I love using the word "hence". I try to work it into every conversation, hence the "hence" above.)

Anyway, I am feeling a little better about work so I thought I would take advantage and whip out a little post for you. So this little post was better than nothing right?

Don't answer that.


At 8:31 PM, Blogger shell said...

Hence, henceforth... by all means go ahead with them. I love that word... oh and therefore, nevertheless, notwithstanding...


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